10 Jan New Rules for Private Landlords in Slough
In a bid to tackle landlords who ignore their responsibilities, Slough Borough Council has been asking tenants for their opinions on whether or not landlords should be licensed.
As part of our work in ensuring that our readers and clients are kept well-informed when it comes to their property issues we can report that Slough Borough Council has announced that it will be holding ‘drop-in’ sessions where tenants could voice their opinions on such plans. This will help the local authority make a decision on what kind of rules need to be put in place.
Rental properties are very popular in our area, which is why we are the leading lettings agent in Slough and the surrounding areas. Nearly 33% of all properties across the borough are owned by landlords, which means that the new rule could affect many of the 3,500 homes which are recognised as shared properties.
The rule change comes in the wake of the national law for all landlords of houses with five or more people forming two households needing a licence. You can find details of the new national law here.
Slough Borough Council wants to introduce a new, tougher rule of its own which will apply to landlords of homes with less than five people making up two households.
In areas which make up the majority of rented properties in the borough even properties containing single households will require that landlords are licensed, this is to combat anti-social behaviour levels and overcrowding; with some properties failing to meet satisfactory levels of property management.
While we manage a vast number of properties in the area we are extremely vigilant when it comes to living conditions and levels of tenancy and property management. With a dedicated team overseeing our entire portfolio and making regular property visits we make sure that all of our properties are beyond reproach.
If these new rules are approved they will, inevitably impact on some of our landlords. So, if you would like to have your say on the matter you can attend one of the following sessions:
- Thursday 10th January – Chalvey Community Centre at the Green from 12.30pm to 2.20pm and 6pm to 8pm
- Tuesday 15th January – the Gallery in the Curve in Slough, 2pm to 6pm for Residents
- Thursday 17th January – the Gallery in the Curve in Slough, 2pm to 6pm for Landlords.
If you would like to speak to a member of our team member about your property or anything in this article, you can give our Langley branch a call on 01753 546655 or our Burnham branch on 01628 668686 or even drop us an email. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
image credit: By beeboys
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