It’s beginning to look a lot like….. STRESS!

Moving house can be stressful at the best of times, it can get on top of you without you even realising it. All the massive financial figures and solicitor jargon, finding schools, packing, cleaning, life admin – it’s a mammoth task. As you can imagine, trying to do all of this during the holiday season in the hope you can be in and settled before the big day can be even more stressful. You have to deal with people being away on annual leave and Christmas parties, making getting yourself in the festive mood even more challenging.

At Glenn Flegg & Company we understand the stress involved with moving house, and so we aim to make things as painless as possible. Our team redirect the stress to protect our clients and keep the transaction moving in the right direction – you can read our blog about Ben Flegg and a particularly challenging transaction.

If you are hoping to move before Christmas we have put together some tips that might make moving that little bit more manageable.

Make a Plan

Things like the weather can affect people getting to work and can also affect your productivity. Make sure you check the forecast and don’t get caught out by a cold snap! Try and plan your move date around the weather where possible.

Remember with Christmas comes dwindling staff numbers as people wind down for their holidays or take annual leave – try and get a clear picture of what you need doing before people go away and book things in advance.

Don’t forget to plan in some time for yourself – you’ll still need to do your shopping, decorating and cooking!

Household Admin – Bills, Suppliers, Family etc.

Remember to make a list of your utility suppliers and contact them with details of when you’re moving to avoid getting slapped with a bill for things you didn’t use. Make sure you contact your new suppliers in order to prepare for your occupancy – the last thing you want is to have to wait in an unheated house in the depth of winter.

Make sure you tell people you’re moving. In the past you would have sent ‘New Address’ postcards out to people and this is still a nice tradition to continue – people feel special receiving postal mail that isn’t a bill. Alternatively, make sure you let friends and family know via private messages on Facebook or the like.


Over the holiday period many local shops will change their opening hours, don’t get caught with an empty fridge – the kids will still be hungry at 5pm whether you’re moving or not. When you arrive at your new home, make sure you have some basic provisions – just in case – or at least know where the nearest takeaway is!

Curtains for Christmas

First things first… get your curtains up. It’ll give you a bit of privacy AND it will start to warm the house up. You might be exhausted, you might be cranky, your back and legs might be stiff from all the packing and unpacking BUT make sure you decorate your new home for Christmas. You won’t believe the impact it’ll have on the way you feel and it’ll turn your new shell of a building into a home almost immediately. Who needs food and heating when you can feel warm and fuzzy with Xmas spirit!?

While your first Christmas in your new house may have seemed tumultuous make sure you’ve celebrated properly – keep your family traditions whether it’s going to a Christingle service, opening an early present or staying in with the family – try to do Christmas properly.

So it needn’t be too stressful as long as you take the right frame of mind and if you are working with the leading estate agent in Slough and the surrounding areas we’ll try and guide you as best we can.

If you would like to speak to a member of our staff about buying or selling a property in the area you can drop us an email; you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Photo credit: By Guschenkova

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